How To Use Bin Tutorial

Read If you’re New to this BIN Stuff.
So a lot of people asking me about how to use BIN and what is BIN. so I am gonna just explain it short.
BIN – Bank Identification Number, which specifies the bank, and in most cases its first 6 digits of your Credit/Debit Card.
How to make credit cards from BIN? Well, there are scripts to make cards which perform different algorithm just like Banks to get the correct number that a credit/debit card must have.
Just Paste The BIN(in the BIN box) and click on Generate Cards on The Site
I am telling you that there is no need to check for live cards, if the BIN is said to be working on Any Site then just Generate Cards!! No Need to Check lives
After Generating Some Cards, Just Use Them On the Site.
Bin Tutorial
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